Frequently asked questions

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Can I disable prealarm?

Yes, Prealarm can be disabled within parameters. Please, take into consideration that with natural refrigerants (CO2, NH3…), you must always have 2 levels of alarm as per EN-378 requirements

Can I disable the alarms?

Yes, you can enter into parameters and disable acoustic alarms

Can the transmitters be connected to my management system?

Yes, our MODBUS is open protocol, it can communicate, and we also provide an 4-20 mA output to work with any PLC system.

Have I to calibrate the transmitters every year?

No, EN-378 only specifies you must do a Bump Test. Calibration is not necessary every year, unless you detect there is an offset

​How can I receive e-mails if I don’t connect the transmitters to a MODBUS network?

Still you can receive alerts through e-mail. You can connect both relays to an Input interface. This input interface must be connected to a monitoring system able to send e-mails.

How many alarm levels do you supply?

You have prealarma and alarm levels associated to 2 signal relays within the transmitter. When connected to our AKONet Webserver, a third “Early Detection Level” can be configured for an extra low leaks alarm

If I have a Display with several modules and several evaporators inside, should I install 1 transmitter per evaporator?

No, one transmitter can perfectly detect low leaks if it’s mounted on the central part of a display. Usually with one transmitter per up to 15 linear meters of display is enough

If I use an AKO-575400 (Broadband model), and configure to R-404A, and in the future the gas changed to R-448A, can I still use the same transmitter or I should buy a new one

You can use the same transmitter, just enter into parameters and change the type of Gas from R-404A to R-448A. It’s future proof!

Is it necessary to connect the transmitters to your Central Alarms AKO-55x24x?

No, transmitters can work alone. Only thing you need to do is supply them with 12-24Vdc. In case you use our Central Alarms, they will supply 12-24Vdc to the transmitter. Please take into consideration that in case of installing on Compressor Rooms, you must install as well the external Central Alarm as per EN-378 requirements

​Is it possible to have a record of leaks?

Yes, when connected to AKONet Webserver, you have continuos datalogger for leaks, and you will be able to check when the leaks are more consistent, so you will save lot of time searching for the leak

Is there any calibration I should make when installing the transmitters for the first time?

When first installing, you only have to do a Zero Test to ensure that 0ppm are 0ppm. Therefore, this will eliminate any possible offset of the transmitter during the transport

Precision = alarms = nightmare = false alarms?

No, precision = early detection, but furthermore the selectivity of our transmitters is the best on the market, and this prevents false alarms from other gases, solvents, alcohols etc.

They are also IP68 and therefore moisture has no effect at all, also avoiding false alarms in this respect.

What do the IRs cover that you are not covering currently?

I can now detect leaks quickly and reliably, thanks to the higher precision and selectivity of the new AKO transmitters.

Where, How many, What do they cover?

Transmitters can operate without the need for a centre and their mechanics have a size that allow installation in the compressor, sales and storage rooms, covering 85% of kilos leaked in an installation.

Why should I use early detection on CO2? The price of the gas is ridiculous

Yes, price of CO2 is almost nothing compared to HFC’s, but when you loose refrigerant your installation becomes unefficient. For instance, with 20% of leaks, the electrical consumption of the installation rises 15% more. So still there is an economical impact on leaks even in the case of CO2

​Will I receive e-mails when leaks occur?

Yes, if you connect the transmitters to our Webserver AKONet by Modbus, you will receive an e-mail if prealarm or alarm levels are reached.