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Installation Requirements

Supported Operating Systems

Supported Operating Systems with SOFTRegis:

Windows XP
Windows Vista (UAC Off)
Windows 7 (UAC Off)

IMPORTANT: Installation should ALWAYS be carried with an ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT. Operating systems must always be 32 bits.

SOFTRegis shuts down when I attempt to open it.

Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is missing

This problem occurs because Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 needs to be installed.


You can manually install this package without having to reinstall the entire product. Simply run the dotnetfx35.exe file in the SOFTRegis installation CD in the \ISSetupPrerequisites\{2B692A0F-7172-44B2-B0CB-9991078AFD31} folder.

If dotnetfx35.exe installation fails , this is due to the installation of the operating system. There is an application that can fix this problem: It can be downloaded at the following ftp: (each software package includes update instructions).

  1. Before running the package you need to uninstall SOFTRegis, reboot the PC and check that you have no open applications.

  2. Unzip the package and run dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.exe, answer yes to all questions until you reach the screen with the Cleanup Now button. Then click on the button (this process may take a few minutes).

  3. Restart your PC and install SOFTRegis.

Historical information (neither charts nor results) does not download properly but there is communication with devices.

MySQL database starts up improperly.

This is because the MySQL database, which contains data downloaded from the devices, does not start up properly. And the reason is usually that the Windows Firewall (or other third-party systems such as antivirus Firewall) is blocking the mysqld.exe program or the port used by the program.

Typically, this window pops up the first time you run SOFTRegis. Press "unblock " (as specified in the installation manual).

SOFTRegis does not download data from the devices

Incorrect port or client offline

This may be because the client is working offline or has a port selected other than the USB port where the AKO-80039 converter is plugged in.

The lower left corner of the SOFTRegis screen shows the port where it is connected or otherwise appears

blank if you are working offline.

To change the COMx port where the AKO-80039 is plugged in, go to the main menu (silver ball at the top left corner) and go to "Communication Settings". On this screen, select the COM port assigned to the AKO-80039.

It is easy to recognize because it will show COMx - (AKO-80039).
Select it and press Save.
The application will work correctly.

When attempting to enter the results screens I get the following error message: "The type initializer for CrystalDecisions threw an exception". CrystalReports. Engine. ReportDocument"

Improper installation

This is because the installation was not successful and was cancelled in the Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio 2008 installation step.

Install the program manually. You can download it at Download and run it.